  Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Wondershare iDraft    This is a cool tool. You want to use iPad as a notebook? Explore Wondershare iDraft. This app lets you draw pictures, record details of conferences. And for the earth friendly ones, this will definitely save a lot of trees because you do not need paper anymore. You can also write down doodles and notes!
Here are the features that I love about this.

-I am able to make notes regardless of how may pages I have to use. This is really cool, I can doodle all I want during meetings without worrying on how much paper I am wasting.
-I can also use different cover pages!
-I can easily get a preview of all the pages in the entire notebook through the scrollbar. It is easier to locate the page I want.
-For errors, there is also an undo and redo function apart from the eraser tool.
-Saving one page as a .png file is also an option. I can email my work and share it with my officemates. Even recognizes .pdf files.

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