  Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Folio case which can keep notepad inside    Hi all,

I know some of you might think that carrying a notepad with me should no longer be necessary since I already have my iPad which technically serves the same purpose without the waste of having to use a paper. I have realized that too and no matter how much I try to convince myself that I do not have to bring my notepad anymore, I still end up bringing one especially during business meetings, dealing with client or any business related activity. I can live without the notepad on other activities but not during business related matters. My dependency on the notepad which I have been using for decades can not just be easily broken because iPad is here now.

I would really love it if you guys can suggest a folio which has a pocket inside or maybe just a space where I could tuck in my notebook so it would not be much of a hassle to bring one along with my iPad. Or maybe some of you are dealing with the same situation and I would really love it if you could share your technique with me.

Thank you very much

Post Response 
10:51:07 AM
Still uses a notepad
I can totally relate to that since I still can not live without carrying a paper. Actually, congratulations to you because you can do without the notepad on other occasions because me, I still have to have a pen and paper with me always even if I have been using my iPad for months. Maybe because there are just some conveniences which the traditional pen and paper can do and although iPad can serve the same purpose it is just not that convenient. Well, some may really disagree but that is just my opinion.

Apple or other creators of accessories for iPad should really come up with one. I think a lot of people would find it useful.

So far, what I use is a folio case with an elastic band which wraps around the entire thing to lock the cover. There are several kinds of folio case which has the same elastic band. I would not really recommend mine because after I bought it, I found out that there is a cheaper brand with the same quality and features. Anyhow, what I do is that I keep my notepad in between the screen and the cover whenever I close the folio and the iPad is not in use. Just make sure of course, that you notepad does not have any of those springs or staples that may harm your screen. It somehow does the job because the elastic band keeps my notepad from falling when I am carrying the case around. Sometimes, I even just insert it in the outside of the cover and the elastic band still holds the notepad. I fyour notepad has staples or spring this may be a better option. No room for my pen though..LOL…

Hopefully, the same thing will work for you!
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