  Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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iPad Curious    Can someone please enlighten me, what’s this iPad? I know many people are hooked and very attached with iPads. What are its features and how can it help in our daily lives? I’m very much curious about this one. Would you advise me to buy one?

Post Response 
09:44:34 PM
Yes, iPad is very useful
Hi! At first, I was also very curious about this iPad’s but eventually I found out that it’s very useful especially in my daily activities. Aside from being “trendy”, Apple wouldn’t be able to sell Three Million iPad’s in just 80 days if it is not convenient and user friendly. On iPad, you can send and receive emails, watch videos, listen to music, and most of all you can update your status on your social networking site. Its battery depends on how long you are using your iPad but generally lasts for 8 to 10 hours. I must admit that I’ve realized that iPad is not the perfect substitute for your laptop or personal computer. But when it comes to its size and appearance, it is a whole lot better. Well if you’re an ordinary person, living without excessive money, it is not advisable for you to have one because it can be more expensive than other laptops that can do the same job. But if affordability is not an issue then iPad is for you!
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09:45:08 PM
Think it through before buying iPad
iPad is like our personal computer or maybe as my personal laptop would be a better description. You could bring it anywhere you want to. You can browse and surf the internet anytime. You can do many things with it. But despite all of those good things about iPad, I have to say, it needs an extra care. Actually not an extra care but more care compared to laptops because it is more sensitive and more prone to scratches. Once you broke its screen, then you’re in bad trouble. The touch screen is great but really, you have to be careful with fingerprints, scratches or like what I said, braking the LCD. I advise that you learn more about iPad first before you go out and buy. It’s not just like having a new phone but it’s just having a new business partner, because you might blame yourself if you bought an expensive gadget and discover that it is not really for you.
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